BMW Brake Fluid Bleed Procedure

Anytime the brake system is serviced, a bleed is recommended, however it is required if any air is introduced into the lines. The material required for the bleeding procedure is

  • 2L Full Synthetic Super Dot 4 Brake Fluid
  • Brake Bleed Pump Kit
  • 8MM Wrench

Bleeding the brake system of all air and contaminants is extremely important to ensure proper operation of your vehicle's brakes.

The brake calipers must be bled in the specific order of: rear passenger, rear driver, front passenger and front driver.

Step 1: Remove the brake fluid reservoir cap and fill with fluid until full.

Step 2: Reinstall reservoir cap.

Step 3: Lift the vehicle and remove the rear passenger wheel from the assembly.

Step 4: Loosen the rear passenger caliper 8MM bleed screw and insert the bleed pump tightly in place.

Step 5: Have one person press down on the brake pedal with long slow pumps- while you monitor the brake fluid coming from the caliper. Air bubbles should be seen in the bleed pump line.

*NOTE: While brake pedal is being cycled, routinely check the brake fluid level to ensure it stays full. If fluid level lowers during pedal actuation, top off until full and continue actuating the brake pedal.

Step 6: Once fluid leaving caliper is contaminant/air free and a fresh golden color, instruct person in the vehicle to press down on the brake pedal and hold it in the down position.

Step 7: While brake pedal is still; being held down, remove the brake pump line and quickly re-tighten the 8MM bleed screw into place torquing it to roughly 7 ft-Ib torque.

Step 8: With the rear passenger caliper bleed screw re-installed, release pressure from the brake pedal.

Step 9: Re-install the wheel and lower the vehicle to the ground.

Step 10: Repeat this process to the rear driver side caliper.

Step 11: Repeat this process to the front passenger side caliper.

Step 12: Repeat this process to the front driver side caliper.

After all four calipers have been bled, verify the fluid level is full.

Congrats! Your BMW's brake system is now properly bled and ready to drive.